Monday, March 18, 2019

Driving at speed

Slightly off topic but sort of consistent. I've signed up for a course to improve my driving speed. On the golf course that is....

It's early days yet but so far it's been fun and eyeopening.  The approach is pretty straightforward and suits my training approach.

Just measure you swing speed (with a device like SwingSpeedRadar) and then do drills to improve it.

I started at 84mph and best so far has been 95mph. 

The breakthrough aha has been to use my left hand more. Despite being a right hander I play left handed (since I was taught by my dad and he was a natural  leftie). 

Most of my sensation is from my right side. This has its advantages but it means I don't have any feeling of using my left hand for any useful purpose other than hold the club,

One drill that was suggested was to do a 1./2 swing but focus on really generating speed with the trail hand. Just by doing this I added 8mph. 

So I think the challenge will be to continue to do this with a full swing and shoot for the century.

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