Thursday, March 07, 2019

4x16 3/4 2/3 aint bad

The main set each week for the next four will be 4x16@97% of FTP. 

I'm doing this as part of my polarised plan, following a study mentioned at the end of this presentation by Stephen Seiler

Yesterday was my first shot and I was a bit apprehensive. It certainly proved hard and I didn't quite hit target my numbers being 297W>290W.>287W>266W

Given my FTP is around 300W atm this makes 99%/97%/96%/89%

So a bit of a decline and last rep didn't quite hit the mark.

Still I'm more than happy with the result. Firstly it's a useful benchmark for the coming weeks.

More importantly though I want to get away from just focusing on power. I also want to work on my weight and mental toughness. 

Both of these were great. Following the workout I was under 150lbs for the first time in ages and approaching my long term target. 

But even better was my mental approach. For the final interval I didn't beat myself up for being low but just focused on form and getting through. I made it and in the process banked some very useful memories for the future.

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