Monday, January 14, 2008

Hard old weekend

Had a hard old weekend of training. As an entre Friday evening did a max strength session, getting to target in terms of main exercise (single leg step ups 67kg). Then finished watching (and hugely enjoying) the last couple of episodes of the first Sopranos series.

Weather forecast for the weekend was constantly changing. So when I got up Saturday to see the sun shining I decided to have a ride out to Pewsey to recce the next club run I was due to lead. I did not go out with any special training plan in mind but feeling good aimed for an average 200W over the ride. Managed this comfortably averaging 210W(24oNP) for 3:45. Only downer (literally) was me falling over on a flooded road. My own fault, tryed to coast through to avoid getting too wet and ran out of momentum half way through.....

Sunday was forecast to be rain and wind. So I got well togged up for the club run, even to extent of using shower cap over helmet. This worked perfectly in making sure it did not rain at all. It was a bit windy and had to work a bit harder coming back than going out.

All in all did 9 hours over the weekend covering some 166km with 450TSS points. This resulted in my PMC CTL taking quite a hike upwards so will steady down a bit in week to come.

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