Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cereal Day

Despite my exploits on the bike over the weekend I still managed to put on a couple of pounds. This is a not unfamiliar situation, all of my long rides away have resulted in me coming back heavier than when I left.

Reason is that having slogged your guts out it feels only fair to fill them up again. At home my tendancy is to gaze longingly into the fridge with what Mrs M refers to as an "anteater" look, hoping to find some delicacy or other, usually involving cheese.

I have come to the conclusion I have little self control. So what I have started to do is have the occasional "cereal" day. This is pretty simple, on said days I will only eat bowls of cereal (the "good" ones like shredded wheat, weetabix etc.). I reckon these are about 200 cals a go with a reasonable balance of carbohdyrates/protein/fat/fibre, I allow myself one every couple of hours or so which I reckon ends up with me eating 2000cal or so on a day when I will just do some light recovery work.

Hopefully this will result in my shedding a few pounds before May.

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