Monday, August 26, 2013

Third test

Carried out my third test yesterday after a day of rest following the Strava challenge.

Weight had dropped significantly, a loss of 1.7kg since the last, under 70kg for the first time in a long time.

Legs felt OK if slightly tired, mentally I was a bit underprepared though and expected test to be hard. In fact it went well,first 10 was 331W. Flagged a bit towards the end but think it was mainly due to head not legs. 

Results of the test were:
Bike used: Wattbike
Position:    Upright
Weight> >>>>>>69.5kg
20 min power>> 327W
FTP power >>> 311W
w/kg >>>>>>>> 4.47 
Avg HR 164bpm
Max HR 169bpm
Last 17 min drift 5.05%

So a pretty significant improvement since the last test, much less weight and power up. Interestingly HR was lowest yet, under 170.May be due to fatigue, may be a sign of being fitter. Time will tell


Unknown said...

Great progress - how are you training and eating to achieve these levels of weight and power?

Bahzob said...

Thanks. I'll cover both in some future posts once I have enough data to establish some clear trends.

In general though atm main focus is losing weight by calorie counting. Aim to continue this until hit a plateau or unable to repeat power during test. Then will swap to maintaining weight and increasing power.