Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fitday - latest

I've been using the excellent Fitday program for a while now, to keep track of what I eat/drink and monitor my weight. Slowly but surely my weight is coming down to target of 150lbs and to celebrate progress to date I treated myself to a pair of 30" Levis yesterday..
One thing I am finding is that the usual advice "you need to burn 3500 calories to burn a pound of fat doesnt seem to work in my case. Over the past 28 days I've eaten an average 3,100 cals per day and burnt an average of 3,700 cals. (Pretty sure these figures are right, the cals per day comes from logging most everything I eat and most of the extra cals come from Powertap). So this makes a total of nearly 17000cals burned up which should be near 5lbs of fat. However my weight has just come down by a 2-3 pounds.
I'm not too stressed over this, I guess it shows everybody's metabolism differs and this may explain why I don't bonk, can get away with not eating much on long rides and why I put on weight on cycling trips abroad when I dont worry too much about what I eat.

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