Monday, March 03, 2008

Ard Audax

Did the clubs March Audax Sunday and found it harder going than expected. Can't blame the weather, it was nice and sunny though the wind was blowing a bit.

But felt a bit under the weather. Put this down to a combination of actually managing to lose a bit of weight at last and not eating enough during the ride. Also was well overdressed for the conditions with four layers on top + thermal beanie/gloves. Carrying a backsack did not help either (I was expecting ride to be at an easier pace so added this to give a bit more load).

Overall stats for the 4 hour ride were an average power of 192W/236NPW, TSS 262, HR 89-182 av 155. Interestingly this is exactly the same as the first 4 hours of the Snowdrop I did start Feb (192W/235NPW/TSS 256/HR 101-181-av 149).

It was however some 20W less than my all time PB on the first day of the Wessex last year (211W/257NPW/TSS 339/HR 93-177-av150) (which by coincidence matched my effort on my fixed ride earlier this week). This is a bit worrying and I will start upping the intensity of my longer training rides now base season is passed

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